Joey Mogul

Director of Movement Partnerships

Joey Mogul is a movement lawyer, organizer, and educator. Prior to joining MLL, Joey was a partner at the People’s Law Office for over 25 years where Joey represented survivors of torture, abuse and misconduct by law enforcement officials. Joey also worked with and on behalf of organizers and community organizations seeking justice and liberation.

Joey has sought justice for Chicago Police torture survivors for over 25 years, successfully representing survivors in post-conviction and civil rights cases. Joey also successfully presented the cases to the UN Committee Against Torture (CAT) in Geneva, Switzerland in 2006, obtaining a specific finding from the CAT calling for accountability in these cases.

Joey drafted the original City Council ordinance providing reparations for the Chicago Police (Burge) torture survivors in 2013 on behalf of Chicago Torture Justice Memorials, an organization Joey initiated and co-founded. On May 6, 2015, in response to a multi-racial, intergenerational grassroots campaign, the Council passed the unprecedented legislation providing reparations to the Burge torture survivors becoming the first municipality to provide systemic redress for racially motivated police violence. Joey worked with scores of others to implement the reparations legislation, including the creation of the Chicago Torture Justice Center, which Joey co-founded.

Joey has represented several organizers and activists arrested for participating in actions in support of Black lives, sex workers, LGBTQ liberation, access to healthcare and opposing the prison industrial complex (PIC) and militarism in criminal and civil rights cases. Joey successfully represented the No Cop Academy campaign in their FOIA litigation against the City of Chicago and the Chicago Freedom School (CFS) after CFS was illegally raided by Chicago Police officers. Joey also successfully represented hundreds of anti-Iraq war protestors in a class action civil rights lawsuit challenging their mass arrest and co-coordinated the legal defense of protestors criminally charged.

Joey has also represented scores of LGBTQ people in criminal and civil rights proceedings and is a co-author of Queer (In)Justice: The Criminalization of LGBT People in the United States (Beacon Press 2011). 

Joey created and directed the Civil Rights Clinic at DePaul University School of Law, was a Distinguished Practitioner in Residence at Cornell University College of Law, and a Givelber Distinguished Public Lecturer at Northeastern University School of Law. 

Joey is a graduate of CUNY Law School and Oberlin College.