Ruby-Beth Buitekant

Associate Director, Movement Partnerships

Ruby-Beth Buitekant is a radical southern lawyer, facilitator, and speaker. 

A life-long activist, she has worked as a consultant for organizations and workplaces tackling issues of racism and organizational development.  Prior to her consulting work, Ruby-Beth was a Public Policy Fellow at the Southern Center for Human Rights.  During her time as a Graduate Fellow at the City University School of Law (CUNY) Ruby-Beth worked as a Law Clerk with Gideon's Promise at the Dekalb County Public Defenders and as an Ella Baker Fellow with the Center for Constitutional Rights. Before her legal education, Buitekant co-founded and ran the Center for Court Innovation's anti-gun violence program Youth Organizing to Save Our Streets (YO S.O.S.) in Brooklyn, New York. She developed youth programming for young folks working to rid their communities of gun violence through peer education and training. 

She has been a featured speaker and writer on racism within the criminal legal system, racial justice, and prison abolition. Buitekant holds a JD from The City University of New York School of Law and a BA from Wesleyan University. You can find her in Atlanta, Georgia (fila) and in the Southern Appalachians.